Global gaming networks are heterogenous collectives of localized practices, not unified commercial products. Shifting the analysis of digital games to local specificities that build and perform the global and general, Gaming Rhythms employs ethnographic work conducted in Venezuela and Australia to account for the material experiences of actual game players.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Its Almost All Over

I have my PhD completion seminar coming up this week. On Thursday afternoon, the panel will be Sean Cubitt, Umi Khattab and Nikos Papastergaidis. Not to sure about all the details right now, but I'm working towards a 25 minute presentation that includes a chapter summary, and addresses the objectives, methods, findings and significance of the research.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

And the Big News...

I scored a gig with Christian (McCrea) and Darshana (Jayemanne) guest editing issue 13 of Refractory: A Journal of Entertainment Media. Which has to be ready for upload by August 1st (Ulp!!!).

Still figuring out the theme within the general topic (videogames of course).

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Made the DiGRA Deadline

What a week, lots of stuff happening. First, the Cultural Studies Review has asked me to review an article on videogames for them. Its just a small gig, but I hope a promise of things to come: (1) more refereeing for me (2) more articles on videogames in 'straight' journals. I also submitted an abstract for the fibreculture 'after convergence' issue, which was pretty rushed so I think has a pretty slender chance of getting accepted (but the awesome thing is, if it doesn't get accepted I don't have to write it). And I got my review of Henry Jenkins Convergence Culture in to Media International Australia (should be appearing in August). Then on friday I managed to get DiGRA in, its a substantially revised version of 'Everyday Empowerment', the paper that I presented on the 9/2 at Victoria University, it was submitted paper number 153 - only 50 papers will be accepted, so its very competitive. Great thing is its in Japan, so if I don't get accepted I don't have to figure out how to get there!

On top of that I started teaching at the University of Melbourne last week, and applied for two jobs, one at Swinburne University of Technology and one at RMIT University. The Swinburne one was for a position (level A) in the Games program, the RMIT job was in the Communications area, focusing on teaching the masters program. Also got a rejection letter from RMIT about the job I applied for in the games program there.

About Me

This blog started as a PhD blog, for my project 'Global Rhythms: Video games and the Transformation of Play'. It finally become a book. This is a "historic" record of the trials a tribulations.