Global gaming networks are heterogenous collectives of localized practices, not unified commercial products. Shifting the analysis of digital games to local specificities that build and perform the global and general, Gaming Rhythms employs ethnographic work conducted in Venezuela and Australia to account for the material experiences of actual game players.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Hunkering down

Its time to get the rest of my PhD out of the way. No commitments for the next six weeks (apart from teaching), so I need to do some good solid writing.

The trip to CSU Dominguez Hills was cool, I still don't understand how I was there for 3 days and was gone from Audtralia for five. Time is confusing, especially when combined with space.

Interesting that no one that I spoke to in the USA has heard of Second Life, or even of America's Army.


Anonymous said...

Hold on--they never heard of Second Life or AA? What rock are they under? Those two games come up in conversation with people who aren't even studying games! Hell, we had to play Second Life as a class assignment here at CU-Boulder!

Hey, btw, I'm about to cite your ludology vs. narratology paper for a crappy little final paper I'm writing at the mo'. Feels good. :)

Oh, and good luck on the job hunt.

Tom said...

Well, I was only in Los Angeles... I guess the USA is a pretty heterogenous place.

Just so happened that the people I met and talked to hadn't.

And some were played Everquest 2 (now thats wierd0.

About Me

This blog started as a PhD blog, for my project 'Global Rhythms: Video games and the Transformation of Play'. It finally become a book. This is a "historic" record of the trials a tribulations.