Gaming Rhythms: Play and Counterplay from the situated to the local
Global gaming networks are heterogenous collectives of localized practices, not unified commercial products. Shifting the analysis of digital games to local specificities that build and perform the global and general, Gaming Rhythms employs ethnographic work conducted in Venezuela and Australia to account for the material experiences of actual game players.
Sunday, September 05, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Refractory - Issues 13 & 16
Issue 13 Refractory with Darshana Jayemanne and Christian McCrea.
Issue 16 Refractory with Justin Clemens.
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12:11 am
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Good News
Dean Chan also invited me to be on his panel at the Asian Studies Association of Australia conference in Melbourne next July, the theme of which will be popular culture. Its gonna be refereed (stoked).
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11:51 am
Monday, December 17, 2007
What Happened to Me?
I don't suppose there is anyone still out there that reads this. But just in case I'm not dead. I've just been really busy.
New job at Deakin University - I'm a Research Fellow in Literacy Education
Hundreds of hours playing Nintendo DS, Playstation 2, and Xbox (and a few PC games also)
The blogs staying alive until I finish my PhD at least.
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1:28 am
Friday, April 20, 2007
Abstract - Open Source Culture
Open Source Culture: Participatory Culture and the Digital Divide
Henry Jenkins’ recent publications on convergence have focused on the way that the active audience, equipped with the productive and distributive tools of digital technology might transform the waning public sphere in the
By focusing on the tactics of participation that are deployed in the global ‘South’ through a case study of media practices and consumption in Venezuela this article will demonstrate what is at stake in the shift to a media paradigm of convergence. In particular I will focus on the role that media piracy plays in providing a heterogeneous space of participation outside the news and telecommunications media, which have come under increasingly strict government controls since Hugo Chávez’s 2006 re-election.
To address this precarious participation in global media production, enabled through illegal practices that are disciplined by both local and global forces, I will turn to the work of Néstor García Canclini and George Yúdice on the uneven relationship between consumption and citizenship in order to contest dominant dialogues of piracy. Finally the article will re-examine piracy in the context of open source, in order to argue that to extend the consumer/citizen empowerment of convergence globally the notion of open source must be extended to include hardware, and education, as well as software.
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11:17 pm
About Me
- Tom
- This blog started as a PhD blog, for my project 'Global Rhythms: Video games and the Transformation of Play'. It finally become a book. This is a "historic" record of the trials a tribulations.