Global gaming networks are heterogenous collectives of localized practices, not unified commercial products. Shifting the analysis of digital games to local specificities that build and perform the global and general, Gaming Rhythms employs ethnographic work conducted in Venezuela and Australia to account for the material experiences of actual game players.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Hand Book of Computer Game Studies

Well I finally got the copy from the library here at the University of Melbourne, the catalog says that they have two, but one has disappeared into the void that is the library already (along with Myers' The Nature of Computer Games, Gee's What Videogames Have To Teach Us About Learning and Literacy and a couple of others). So it looks really good, I saw a couple of chapters immediately that drew my attention, stuff about participatory culture and counterfactuals, as well as some interesting stuff from contributors like Turkle, Everett and Schliener. Its got a lot of stuff by Europeans, but only one that I see from the Copenhagen School. I'll start reading one chapter a day, that should last me until Xmas.

Also I have heard back from various people about the events in Sydney last weekend (IE & CSAA conferences). Greg Wadley mentioned that the IE was pretty good and that he and Martin Gibb are thinking of putting in a bid to host it in 2007.

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About Me

This blog started as a PhD blog, for my project 'Global Rhythms: Video games and the Transformation of Play'. It finally become a book. This is a "historic" record of the trials a tribulations.